Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Seth is marching right along.

SSGT Rosendall took his second test yesterday and missed only one question; however, there were twentysix other Marines who failed. I told him not to be too hard on himself for missing the one.


Just a note: We will be offline for then next few weeks as we celebrate the holidays. We will also be very busy house hunting and we will be sure to let everyone know where we are going as soon as our location in concrete. We will be back on Dec. 1st.

Guess who's turning one?

Surprise! Aidan is.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I think she likes it.

Willow is having such a good time at the Ice House in Wilmington, NC. Go Willow. She skated her booty off .

Willow gets a taste of ice.

One of Willow's classmates, Aubrey Gellar, had her seventh birthday today. Aubrey is the little girl in blue on the far left, her three year old sister is on the far right....these are very petite children. Noel is the girl in red and Willow is in Autum stripes. They are recieving a brief lesson before they skate and I must say, Aubrey is a fantastic ice skater...then again she has been practicing three days a week for the past two years! All of the kids had a blast at the birthday party and I think Willow has found a new calling.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Marine Corps, you are 231 years old!

Seth is doing great!

During the first week of Marine Corps Recruiter school 20% of the over all class will not pass; however, Seth did! Infact, he did not lose anyone from his class which means alot to him since he is the head SSGT in his group. He should be finding out where we are moving next Thursday, which is also the day that we close on the house. Thank goodness!
This picture was taken at the Jacksonville, municiple airport and as you can see the kids were real thrilled to see dad go. Good news is he Graduates December 21 and will be home in time for Christmas.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It has officially been a week since Seth left for school. We are fortunate to be able to speak to him every night and he is doing very well. He passed his physical fitness test and knocked two minutes off of his run time, astonishing even himself! He is the senior SSGT of his class and is in charge of 20 other Marines. Monday he turns in his request for duty stations and also has three public speaking assignments due. We are so proud of him and can't wait for him to come home to begin the next leg of our journey. If you would like to contact him his barracks number is 1-(619)542-6262 Ext. 2860 This is his phone but sometimes his loud roommate SSGT McCorcorkle will answer. The weekends is the best time to contact him and I am sure he would love a quick pick me up call.