Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Moving soon!

Hello everyone! The MArine Corps movers called today and gave us a heads up but not a specific move date. We are estimated to be packed up the week of the 18th. Seth will be catching the red eye on the 21st and will arrive early the 22nd. I expect to leave Jacksonville on the 23rd so that we can spend Christmas in Three Rivers, MI. Everything seems so faced paced and hectic, but I will try to get Christmas cards out to everyone along with pictures of the kids. Hang in there. Also, if you would, I know some people have moved so would the Matriarchs please send me an updated list of addresses. I appreciate it.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Write to SGT Esterle.....

In early October Seth and I joined the adopt a soldier angel program. It is a program designed to help make sure every soldier recies a letter at least once a month. M ail is soooo important to our troops and is sometimes a lifeline since it improves their moral and self worth. We wanted to do our part to help out a soildier and applied to the program. We were matched with a SGT in the Army (hey, thats ok) and have been writing to him at least twice a month plus we just sent a Christmas box. We Hvae recieved one letter and two e-mails from him and he seems to be an outstanding soldier who, like many others, are helping to support his single mom. I want to share his address with you just in case you find yourself with an extra Christmas card, please send it his way. He is very thankful and be sure to let him know you are part of the Rosendall family.

Robert Esterle
SGT Robert Esterle
656 TC Rebuild
APO AE 09381

Robert says:HELLO!!! This Angel's program has changed the esteem of so many soldiers over here. It us we who should thank you for what you do for us. Life isn't too bad over here, but some things are so hard to come by. Crunchy Peanut butter is a fav of mine, but hard to get. I also love tuna and canned chunky soups. Flavored drinks, especially Capri-Sun, are a welcomed alternative to the same bottled water all the time, haha. My absolute favorite is Campbells Tomatoe Soup, with those small oyster shaped crackers, like my meemaw used to make. Thanks again for what you do. I look forward to hearing from you.

His letter to us:

Dear Rosendall family,

Thank you ever so much for the cards. I have them hung near my bunk. Its awsome to see another military family helping another soldier. I thank you for that!! This is my first deployment, but I was ready for it! It was my turn to go so I couldn't complain at all. I feel bad that some people have been 2 or 3 times and this still my first. However, that's the way it goes I suppose!
A little about myself. I am 22 and I endeavor to be a Physical Therapist. I live with my mother who is a single parent of 2. Hardest working woman I know, and the best friend I have. I owe my mother everything!! My friends tell me I am the neirdiest jock they know, haha. I love to exercise, play sports, run, jump, play, whatever!! Haha. At the same timeI play video games, card games, read, and love it all. I tell my friends that I am just well diversified and it usually suffices. Haha.
I was surprised to get your cards so quick from the Angel's program, but that works for me! I plan on going for my E-6 next August. I have to wait until then for my time in service. I recently won battalion. On th 2nd I go to another place to compete for NCO of the quarter at the Group level. Wish me luck there.
Some things that are hard to come by here are disposable bowls and cutlery. I don't know if I mentioned those are not, but they will help. I appreciate all your family does, both through military and the Angels program.

Sgt Esterele, Robert

I'm sooo serious.

Barely one and in daddys absence, Aidan is acting like the man of the house.

I'm sooooo pretty.

Willow 12-03-06

Trendy kids.

Here is a picture of Aidan and Willow in their Sunday best. After a cruddy start this morning, I decided we should all dress up and make the most of the day. Right now Willow is off playing with Dylan and Aidan is sound asleep while I fold clothes and upload pics.


Alright Seth, here is a current picture of me taken today and as you can see I am slowly beginning to lose some of this stubborn baby weight. Yea! I just put copper highlights in my hair on Friday and now I need to get it trimmed. Eyebrows could use a wax job too.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Merry Christmas from Willow & Aidan.

Today I decided to take the kids to Wilmington to see Santa and boy did we have a good time. Willow was so excited and Aidan really took to Mr. Claus. Willow was sure to tell Santa about all of the toys she is wanting for Christmas and I think she just might get them. We wish daddy could have been with us to enjoy Aidans first visit to see Santa but he is studying hard in California. Goods news though, only three more weeks to go and then we can all be together again, just in time for Christmas and we are joyful for that!

We found a house.

Hello everyone, it's good to be back. After a long attempt to find a real estate agent who would work with me (we went through three) I finally caught a break. Two days before we were due to leave I found a house on the net in Three Rivers, MI. It was Thanksgiving day so I was skeptical that they would even be open the next day. Much to my surprise they were, so the kids and I with Aunt Karen drove thirty minutes to the nearby town, looked at the house and had it under contract in only two hours. It is in downtown Historic Three Rivers within walking distance to all of the shops on Main Street. The house was built in 1895 and is a large 1800+ sqft victorian home. There are four bedrooms and one bath with a claw foot tub, a living area, dining area, parlor, large updated kitchen and Michigan basement. It is a wonderful home and we can not wait to move in. We close on Dec. 29th, so I will be sending out a change of address to everyone around that time. There will be a guest bedroom, so everyone please come and visit!

Stars and stripes.

Here is a current picture of Aidan 12-01-06

I'm driving.

Move over Aunt Karen and take a back seat sis, this is my gig.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Seths duty station.

Three Rivers, MI.

Aidan celebrates his Birthday Rosendall style!

You go Aidan, tear that cake up. Sure we were in a hotel but Aidan just loved making a mess of his very first birthday cake on the hotel coffee table. No worries, we cleaned up afterwards.

Mt. Airey

How is everyone doing this 1st day of December? We are all fine and relaxing a tiny bit before the movers come to pack us up. Here is a picture of me and the kids in front of Mt. Airey, NC. This was early into the second day of our trip to Michigan and as you can see Aidan is trying desperatly to get down. Overall, we had a very thrilling, stressfull, yet successfull trip. I want to thank my little sister for coming along to help entertain the kids and save a bit of my sanity. Thanks Karen!